Monday, May 18, 2009

The smallest of worlds..

So, despite the other shit I went through and awkward feelings aside, something really fantastic did happen to me!

On Saturday we spend the day on a tour that gave us an hour at the Cliffs of Moher (pics to come!) walking about, possibly considering suicide, the usual. And despite the weather, there were still hundreds of people there. 

Ok hold up, lemme back track. I met a guy in Prague named Gus, the awesome Aussie who is spending a year traveling the world. For some reason, we really clicked, got along great, and he just has a heart of gold; one of the sweetest guys I've EVER met!

He was supposed to contact me when he was in Denmark, but never did. I tried getting ahold of him on facebook, but no luck. Then I saw that he was in Ireland, and still no response. I thought, whatever, he's a busy guy and will contact me someday. 

So back to Saturday, I had ditched creeper man to walk around on my own, and was wishing I was back in Prague with the cool kids I met there, Gus being one of them. Eventually we had to get back to the bus, and I was walking by a group of people, I looked up, and there he was! The Aussie, in the flesh!

After the way I was feeling, it was the perfect thing for me! We just looked at each other in shock, and hugged for about 5 minutes. I was soo happy to see him! We caught up a bit, then I really had to get back, but the day had improved, and my faith in humanity was restored.

He could be anywhere in the world, let alone the same country as me, the same island, the same tourist attraction, and the same side of mountain... I don't know why or how things like this work out, but I think I will be smiling about it for the next week.

On another note, I'm pretty sure my hostel is haunted. Still better than Creepervile, Brazil

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