Thursday, May 28, 2009


No no no, for once I'm not talking about a wine bottle! 

Just hanging out in the South of Ireland, enjoying it to it's fullest extent...
We arrived around 1030 last night on the bus from Dublin, were supposed to stay with a guy from CS that didn't answer my texts, so we headed to a hostel with alll our stuff (like a 20lb bag each, plus backpacks with laptops. Uphill. Nighttime. FUN!) thinking they would have rooms available, but homeboy wanted to charge us 22 euro each!

"F that!" we said, and trotted off down the road to Sheila's (possibly Aussie? It's on Melbourne road..Kiwi? Whateva.) and booked 2 sweet beds in a dorm for 10 euro. Score!

Met a cool Aussie, walked around the city center laughing at drunk people and getting free hugs, then to bed for a bit of rest before my really super convenient phone interview at 9am! There was lots of coffee involved.

We wandered around the city today (verrrryyyy tiny, but I really love it!) and by city, I sorta mean Primark. Well, Penney's. Seriously, they need to bring this goodness overseas! 

Had some spicy Indian chicken madras, and now off to hang at our couchsurfer's house- he's a pretty cool guy and is in a band! Woo!

Photo of said Madras:

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