Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Word of the Week

Simply put, it means ham.

But to me, Skinke is so, soo much more than that.

It is a noun: "That girl has the ugliest skinke I've ever seen!"
Or a verb: "I'll skinke you if you ever call me a Skinke again!"
Or, adverb: "I got here as skinkly as I could."
An adjective: "Ew, my hair is so skinke today."
An insult: "You're such a skinke!"
Confusion: "Skinke? I can't hear you."
Insult/Random profanity: "Skinke you, you skinke skinke!"

Basically, it can be used in any context, at any time, without any REAL meaning.

Aren't you glad you learned something new today?

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