Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Como se dice.. PIZZA?

Thursday night I got to be reunited with my favorite female Dane, Ditte! Her and her beau Henrik were traveling California and finally decided to give me a little time in their schedule. We went to hear a friend's band play, then scooted off around the corner to actually talk. Shout out to Denmark!!

The big highlight came the next night. Friday night was pizza night. I personally think it should be a monthly occurrence, but I'm just a fat girl. What do I know??

S Berg and Katie joined me (new nickname Ting Ting...still confused about it though.) went to Safeway to buy only the freshest of ingredients. Meaning Kraft 'mozzarella' cheese in a 13 pound bag. The girls made some bomb dough from scratch while I watched tv and took photogs

(I might have eaten that entire bowl of cheese. Don't judge me.)

Then we were like ahhhhh omg like lets totally take a group photo!!

(fake laugh)

(Ugh I just want to eat that chez)

They were nasty little buggers that didn't want to get off the plate

And oddly shaped

But Kate made a shweet "artisan" margherita!

At long last, we got to grub on this deliciousness.. for days. Yum!

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