Friday, August 29, 2008

First day adventures!

I wrote the first blog before we had been out and about to explore, and what a day it was. Exhausting. We woke up around 730, dilly-dallied at the local market and finally left for school around 10. Our first mission: COFFEE! Kind of hard task in these parts, being that a "coffeeshop" equals a place to get a cup of joe and, oh yea, pack your own joint. Allison apparently lacks a sense of smell, and was possibly blinded by the dire need for caffeine that she neither smelled the pot in the air nor realized until I told her after we left just where we were. And she was shocked. I didn't think the "coffeeshops" would be in such high numbers, but there is one every couple of blocks or more. 

Dutch love the ganja. 

We walked to the train station, kind of getting lost along the way, but eventually made it and passed our first canal! Surrounded by bikes. Tourist that I am, I snapped a couple unexciting photos and we meandered along. Whilst at the station, I decided I was hungry and made an attempt to purchase a sandwich, but was distracted by a deal called the "lunch tip," meaning you get a sandwich, drink and an apple. Allison kept urging me to get it, so I finally asked for it and she looked at me like I had 5 heads and no arms. I mumbled a "nevermind" and gave up on my lunch tip, opting for ham because it was the first thing I saw. As we walked away, Allison says, " I just wanted to hear you say 'lunchtip'." Thanks for the support.  On the way back I photographed the lunchtip sign just to engrave my first culture faux-pas in my mind permanently.

Got on the train ok, made it to Utrecht, and from there headed to the bus station to purchase what they call a "strippenkart," a word used for a punch card. They have them at cafes too, but the bus fares come in sets of 15 and the driver stamps our ticket for however far you are going, because the stops are separated into zones. 

Our school is pretty much amazing. The Hogeschool campus (ours) is in the same area as the Uithof, (Utrecht University) and the university hospital. Its a huge area, and we were sent on a treasure hunt that required simplistic directions guiding us in circles and, using the simplest of language, made us feel a bit incompetent. I'm not too worried about it- we got where we needed to go and even had pizza along the way! No complaints.

At this point we were exhausted and headed back to Amsterdam, and being the genius and directionally -equipped woman I am, I said I knew how to get back to the apartment. Come to find out, I didn't. But we did walk along a cool little street with tons of shops and food, and "coffee" dun dun dun...and the beautiful people pleasantly puffing away. I think it might be a requirement o be incredibly good looking to enter. Eventually we honed our womanly skills and asked for directions, and came right home for...a NAP! what else to do in a time of stress and emotional turmoil. Although it was 8pm, it felt wonderful and then we woke up to eat and shower. Very humanizing indeed. We have a long day tomorrow and I'm sure it will involve getting lost if I have anything to do with it.


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