Thursday, August 28, 2008


After hours upon hours of flying and walking and being scrunched up in a little seat in a pitch black plane with some creepy Indian man falling asleep on me, I am finally on solid ground. I never thought I could be so happy! Amsterdam is everything I heard about, just from the train and taxi ride. Bikes everywhere, and gloomy as SF. I feel right at home!

We're staying with a lady named Gaby in a cute little IKEA-ed out apartment near the Jordaan area, kinda by the Anne Frank house. She is super sweet (Gaby, not A.F.), and has a lovely singing voice which we were graced with as a wake up call. She has a singing gig on the 14th somewhere in the area, and we're hoping to make it back to watch her. Apparently that day the city is moving from the old music conservatory to a new one across town, so there is a whole music-filled parade of FUN.

I slept for a good 14 hours of something, and now I'm ready to tackle these silly Dutch and show them good mexi food, awesome dance moves, and a little thing I like to call SARCASM. Even though the toilets are odd, I'm just to excited to be here...we're going to Utrecht today to meet up with the school and others in our program, so Allison and I are in for an adventure. More to come later! 

Love to all :)

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