Monday, September 15, 2008


In a conscious effort to NOT continue with my economics reading, I find myself here, looking for a distraction :)
I only have 5 classes (the others have 6 due to an english course, boo!) but I have 2 econ classes, regional and european, lord knows if I'll ever understand the difference, a European history class, an investigative reporting class, and "Utrecht views" and a web design class that coincide so we get our stories up on the website. (I'll post the link here when it's finally up!) Our classes are at maximum only 2 hours, and only once a week. This week we only have school 3 days, but next week we have 5 days. It's definitely odd how the schedule is worked out, because 4 of the classes end at the end of october, and then 3 more start. Something along those lines...very, very fishy!
We're also headed to Rotterdam this week for an econ class, and to Berlin October 23-27 for "class." I've heard Berlin is super cheap, so I'm excited! I could use a break on my wallet. Also, our 2 German friends are taking us to Munich for the REAL Oktoberfest! I am so stoked...they're also trying to get us to find a traditional drindl (the dress the women wear) but so far they are looking pretty expensive, even though it would only add to the experience to get to dress up.
I've also been meeting a bunch of people in our living area because it is all students, there was a party next door on Friday and we had come people come over on Saturday, and on Sunday there was a little pot luck/social thing in front. I met an Aussie girl who is planning a trip to Barcelona (determined to go!) and to Ireland (also, a necessity.) I told you I should have taken out a loan mom!!I know it will get pricey, but since I'm here I really want to be able to see as much as I can. So that WHEN, not if, I come back, I'll know where I want to go.
The one thing I am completely aware of is the language barrier between all of us. Although we all speak English, the foreign kids think it's easier to talk amongst themselves because they aren't as embarrassed as they would be in front of "native speakers."
It's honestly starting to bug me! I know they are nervous, but I make such a conscious effort to understand what they are saying and help them, that I don't understand why they continue that way. Maybe it's a personality thing for some people, because others don't seem to care and they really try. But I feel like people don't want to talk as much when I'm around for fear of saying something wrong, when I could really care less if their english isn't perfect :(
Either way, I'm still having a great time. The weather continues to be gorgeous, and things are looking up all around. Although we did make a trip to IKEA the other day, only to find the bedding set I paid 50 Euro for was most likely no more than 20 Euro, and they probably got some sort of insane discount for buying in bulk. These people are just sucking the money right out of us. So when they send an email saying we are too loud during our parties, I will tell them to do something productive with their lives and stop stealing money from poor college kids that have no direction in life.  GRR!!
On a brighter note, I made an amazing Mexi-breakfast today (although it was almost 3pm...don't judge me!) with eggs, refried beans, potatoes and a tortilla, and it made me feel right at home :)

Grocery shopping is probably one of the funniest things to do here, because you have to just look at the pictures and hope you're buying the right thing! And the peanut butter...whoa. The one I bought is semi-normal according to my friend Meryl who bought something not so normal, but it still has a twinge of weirdness. And its sand. Very odd flavors and textures all swirling around! But hey, its a learning experience. 
Another is living with someone who has only previously lived with family. Ahinara (Spanish girl) is soo sweet, but has these crazy ideas of how it should be to live people and cleaning and buying immense amounts of food when we have no where to put it...very odd. But I know its an experience for her too, so we're all adapting. Even when Krystle spends time in her room for days on end...

And last but not least, I am going to the BEST concert on November 17! It's a Danish band called Alphabeat, and I'm obsessed. They are playing here, and are getting super popular so I'm sure it will be an awesome show. Can't wait :)


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