Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Great Dutch Pumpkin Search of 2008!

Martin and
the Witch's

Everyone together!

Meryl, Jena and I all had the AWESOME idea to carve pumpkins, and assumed they would be easy enough to find, but maybe just because we are USED to them being in high demand. Anywho, it was not the case. More people in our class found out about us doing it, and all wanted to join, so we wound up needing 8 pumpkins! Not only could we not find any, but then we had to find enough. Meryl and I split up on our search, and shit hit the jackpot with 8 at only 3 euro! It was an excellent find. But the whole "carrying them home" thing wasn't exactly on our minds. I think I swerved more on my uneven ride home then I ever do after a couple of beers. Which might not be saying much..
Anywho, landed home with pumpkins in tow, and waited for the groupies to show up. Jena and Martin (the new couple! We'll see how that plays out when we'll be seeing each other everyday for the next 8 months...) came and made a "Witch's Brew," that was incredibly awkward looking. Reminiscent of Brownies, where we made punch from 7up and orange sherbet, but with the glorious addition of orange juice, grapes, and bottle of champagne, and a good amount of vodka. The sherbet god all foamy and sat on the top of the glass, giving you an orangish foam 'stash every time you took a sip! But like I said, we see each other everyday so pretty much could care less.
But then the carving started, and all was right in the world. Hannah and Nina (German girls,) and Emiel (typical Dutch boy) came also, and Ahinara my roomie. We all thought about doing patterns, but in the end decided it was a) too much trouble/time, and b) just not creative enough!! So we opted for the original style, and I think it was more fun that way. Our knives weren't the best, and I ended up cutting off all the teeth on mine, so he just had a big stupid grin. But I pulled the guts out from the inside, so he looks like he's puking, which adds a little character I guess. Mine was the meanest looking what! Is there some psychological message there...?
Either way, it was really fun to teach our foreign friends one of our little traditions, and they were all so excited! It was probably also a way to forget about the 4 papers and exam we have next week..but who cares. Tomorrow night is our big Halloween party, and I'm so jealous because Meryl found a costume, meant for a 3-5 year old, and can FIT in it! She gets to be a dragon, and I am eternally blessed with a large ribcage. 
Can't wait for tomorrow :)

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